1-800-BAD BOSS…are you ready?

8 February 2011

Of particular interest to those of you in the United States, the Obama administration announced on December 13, 2010 a new partnership with the American Bar Association to give counsel to unresolved complaints under the Fair Labor Standards Act or the Family Medical Leave Act. Workers with issues will be given a toll-free number that links them to ABA-approved attorneys in their area. Lawyers will be available on a contingency-fee basis. The ABA is pleased with the new stream of referrals they will be receiving. Check it out at
-or- http://radioviceonline.com/ .
If you do not think this will increase the likelihood of problems quickly escalating into lawsuits, think again. For those of us who have been in this business any length of time, there is a group of people who will try to turn their issues into cash, and now the process has been made easier for them.
Are you and your supervisors ready with a defensible case? Are your employee folders clean and in good shape? Do you have an internal process to resolve issues before they get out of control? Are your supervisors trained in being good bosses?
It is for just this reason that I wrote The Principled Supervisor and designed the accompanying workshop. A two day workshop? Well worth the investment. Click here for the brochure on The Principled Supervisor.

Check out my latest radio segment “Sailing the 7-Cs of Business” as we completed the journey and sailed back into the sea of Customers, this time focusing on retention.

Play hard and keep adding value.
Alden B.
E-BITS …thoughts of increasing value

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