Are you a Hazard Tracker?


  • It is a prudent business person who tracks hazards.
  • Complacency is the antidote for survival.
  • Killer hazards + probability thinking = Massive exposure to trouble


In a recent workshop, this picture generated rich discussion…


While this is just a picture of dirt, does it contain information that may be essential to your survival if you were in the Savannah?  How many different types of tracks can you see (at least five)?  Which is the most recent (small cat going left)?  Hazards leave footprints and tracking them can keep us alive.  It is your right to ignore the information in this picture.  You do not need to look at it, recognize it or believe it.  But, in the Savannah, I believe that is a very risky decision.  Understanding hazards and learning the tracks they leave is critical work for any prudent business person.  Our “Savannah” may not be populated with lions, tigers and wild dogs, but equally deadly hazards exist.   Cultivate a risk-mitigation mindset in your organization.  Talk with people about hazards that have “kill me” potential for your organization, for your business, for your community.  It could be too much inventory, poor sales projections, quality escapes or disengaged people.  Gain the insight required to identify kill-me hazards and then learn their tracks;  the signs of the hazard.  An MRB-crib for rejected material is a track.  Additional warehousing is a track.  Warranty is a track.  Using tracks as indicators, put in place mitigation plans to eliminate or contain the hazard.  We closed the workshop with each person in attendance using the Threat Assessment (click here) and their specific plans for mitigation .  It was a very powerful session.  Get your people started today because Hazards are Prowling!


Stay lean and drive the ROIC machine,


Alden B.


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