Infrastructure requirements are best defined when guided by a set of principles. Principles established in the lean philosophy.
- Capital: Within the context of the cell, spending capital dollars does not insure a high return on investment or productivity. (The fewer dollars to do the same work, the better.)
- Space: Compressing the space to do a manufacturing process generally increases the throughput time, visual control and return on investment of that space. (The less space to do the same work the better.)
- Time: The greatest performance leverage comes from doing things with greater speed while maintaining control. (The faster we do it thoughtfully, the better the results.)
- Development: The development of people is a necessary factor in the improvement of any process or system. (Extending peoples’ capabilities improves performance.)
5. Change: Sustained step function changes in designs and the results created by them can only be created through step function changes in thinking. (Big changes come through big ideas relative to what is going on.)
- Quality: Only actions serving business needs–or needs beyond the immediate focus–will assure long term viability. (Quality must drive our thought and actions.)
- Process Discipline: A disciplined, well-thought out approach is required to assure control. When consistency or commonalty is required, every person does it the same way. (Discipline of thought and action is essential to control and excellent performance.)
- Design of Work: A person’s job is defined independent of the material flow. Skills are developed to facilitate balancing a person’s cycle time to takt time.
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