26 February 2009 The ValueTree™ is a great way to decode current headlines. CBS880 radio out of New York City recently reported that the transit authority predicts that future fare increases will be consumed with rising interest expenses on long-term debt. Let’s reference the ValueTree™ (http://www.myvaluetree.com/TheValueTree.pdf) to understand the situation. […]
Pondering = Loss
ISSUE#4 Cycle-time is the topic of our attention. During 4th Q last year, we focused on the first of five components that make-up cycle-time. Let’s review… Cycle Time is an essence-level concept within which are buried ValueTree™ improvements. Cycle-time. To best understand this concept, picture an assembly line; one where […]
Hunt Time harms Value
ISSUE#3 Cycle Time is an essence-level concept within which are buried ValueTree™ improvements. Cycle-time. To best understand this concept, picture an assembly line; one where product is flowing, one after another. A technician starts one unit, works it along until the end of the station and then goes back to […]
Kaizen Accelerates Value Creation
ISSUE#2 A soundly implemented Kaizen-event is a sure-fire way to accelerate value. “Kaizen” is a compound Japanese word meaning to take-apart and rebuild, roughly transliterated into “continuous improvement.” A wide body of concepts and tactics now falls under the Kaizen umbrella and when they are implemented as a set, through […]
Greetings From China
17 September 2008 I am writing you from China where I am conducting workshops on Leadership and Change for emerging leaders at the Civil Aviation Management Institute. It is incredible to see the transformation underway. It is a different city than when I was here 14 years ago. The whole […]
ISSUE #1 A commonly heard term is CASH FLOW. Here is what I know: ask the person using the term to define what they mean by describing the formula they are using. There are at least 9 variations on the theme of cash flow. Let’s look at the tree to […]